
Thomas Lin Pedersen

Thomas Lin Pedersen is a generative artist based in Denmark. His art merges the digital precision of computer-based art with an organic feel, exploring the tension between perfection, flaws, digital and analogue. He achieves this tension either by combining his algorithmic pieces with classic reproduction approaches or by letting the algorithm be inspired by the feel and flaws of analogue approaches. Pedersen's work has been featured on Art Blocks as part of their curated collection and on Bright Moments, as well as being exhibited internationally in cities including Venice, London, and New York.

Selected exhibitions and shows

Bright Moments Finale, Bright Moments, April 2024 (Venice, Italy)

Parallel Universes, Gucci and Christie’s, November 2023 (London, UK)

Uncomputer, Unit London and Grailers DAO, October 2023 (Online)

Reaching for the Future, WEN Tokyo, May 2023 (Tokyo, Japan)

Building Blocks, Unit London, April 2023 (Online)

Bit by Bit, Seattle NFT Museum, October 2022 (Seattle, USA)

The Graphic Days NFT, Graphic Days, September 2022 (Torino, Italy)

Red Pill, The Generative Art Museum, July 2022 (Online)

837/NEXT, Samsung, July 2022 (New York, USA)

Solo show, Bright Moments, July 2022 (London, UK)

Singularity, Decentral Art Pavilion, April 2022 (Venice, Italy)

Selected features, press mentions, and interviews

NFT:WTF? The Rise and Fall of NFTs, Documentary (2023)

On Becoming, Gazelli Art House (2023)

In Conversation with Thomas Lin Pedersen, Unit London (2023)

Artist Residency, (2023)

From Bioinformatics to Generative Art, Behind The Keys (2023)

Leading Web3 artists join our first NFT collection, Bang & Olufsen (2023)

Bioinformatics, Creativity & Generative Art, Dalos Dov (2023)

A Casual Chat with Thomas Lin Pedersen, TGAM #03 Red Pill (2022)

Inprecision Q&A, Bright Moments (2022)

Inprecision, Bright Moments Quarterly (2022)

Generative art with Thomas Lin Pedersen, NFTPORTAL (2022)

In Conversation with Thomas Lin Pedersen, The Link — Art Blocks (2022)